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perfect stripes

Customer service is the backbone of BIG G Landscapes and Contracting.  Dependable, honest, local and experienced.

BIG G is locally owned and has served the area for 15 years

Our Services

Weekly Mowing & Trimming

Benefits are stronger grass, drought resistant, less weeds, less bugs, less effort

Liquid Aeration

They penetrate deeply and soften the soil, creating pathways for water, oxygen and nutrients. Liquid aeration products encourage the healthy development of plant roots and break down soil in a way that increases beneficial microbial activity.

Lawn Fertilization

Dollar for dollar, fertilization does more to improve poor-quality turfgrass or maintain good-quality turfgrass than any other management practice. Proper fertilization practices produce a dense, medium- to dark-green turf that resists pests and environmental stresses.


Over time, lawns can become thin and patchy, especially in shady or highly trafficked areas. Spring overseeding can help thicken your lawn by introducing new grass into the existing lawn. This helps to fill in bare spots and improve the overall density of your lawn.


Well-maintained lawns can increase the value of your property by 15 – 20%.

Just 55 square feet of sod can provide enough oxygen for one person for an entire day.

Sod is a natural air conditioner. On a hot summer day, you’ll feel much more comfortable standing on sod than on scorching pavement

You’ll use less water to establish a newly sodded area compared to a newly seeded area.

Sod protects your property’s soil from erosion caused by wind and water.

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